“In the threatening situation of the world today, when people are beginning to see that everything is at stake,

the projection-creating fantasy soars beyond the realm of earthly organizations and powers into the heavens,

into interstellar space, where the rulers of human fate, the gods, once had their abode in the planets...Even

people who would never have thought that a religious problem could be a serious matter that concerned

them personally are beginning to ask themselves fundamental questions. Under these circumstances it

would not be at all surprising if those sections of the community who ask themselves nothing were visited by

‘visions,’ by a widespread myth seriously believed in by some and rejected as absurd by others”.

C.G. Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky


Digital culture can be defined as a form of projection - creating fantasy through characteristics of indeterminacy and reproducibility. In this scenario, the possibilities appear endless and the attention seems to look at the sky and the universe, to the infinity. The image loses its native connotations to assume completely new features, losing forever its value as a meaning of reality; it becomes the representative of infinite realities and truths. It could be considered as a layer of omnipresent information that continually combines and recombines new surfaces, figures, texts, glitches and numbers.

Moving out from the network and the world wide web, trying to decipher the medium I am engaging with, 137 looks at the sinister signs of time on the skin. Reflecting around the concept of sinister, as something strange, harmful or of weird appearance, the project sets upon the forms and shapes of peculiar pigmented signs on the skin. Sinister is a concept that changes, its nature and roots are set on ancient believes of maliciousness, underhand and evil's side and has transformed during the centuries thoughts, patterns and models. Sinister, have been defined these pigmented signs on the skin, apparently the result of a misconduct of skin cells development.

Part of an ongoing research exploring themes of identity and the representation of the self – in relation to new technologies, the digital culture, and the image. This project aims to question the relation between personal and universal through words, codes, image production, perception and interaction. 

From small skin cells to the sky and its constellations up to the universe. Setting the camera inwards, 137 turns the body into a kind of cosmological case study, exploring traces of time, life, and memory on the skin surface. The unidentified objects are scans of my moles directly recovered from my dermatologist archive, where they have been catalogued in a folder numbered 137.